Why Choose SOPTracker?
Browser Based Interface
SOPTracker's intuitive interface allows administrators to enter and update information concerning SOPs and internal documents directly into the secure database. No specialized training is necessary and instructions can be found in the SOPTracker User's Guide.
Easily Configurable
SOPTracker has an easy-to-use configuration menu that lets you customize your settings, your layout, and your email messages.
Cloud Hosted
SOPTracker is hosted on secure servers in the cloud, so your documents are not only safe, but they're accessible from anywhere there is an internet connection. Cloud hosting ensures that documents assigned to your employees or contractors are available to them in the office, at home, or in the field, anywhere in the world at any time.
Online Testing
Need to show that your employees have read and understood your procedures? SOPTracker provides an optional testing tool that allows you to create multiple-choice quizzes, administer testing, and determine passing grades.
Employee Compliance
SOPTracker collects electronic signatures, tracks compliance, and sends reminders to those with pending assignments.
Version Tracking
SOPTracker will display the appropriate version number to newly added or replaced documents and will alert the appropriate employees when revised documentation is available. SOPTracker retains a complete audit trail that tracks when documents are updated in the system.
No more calling employees for their documentation or searching through notebooks, files or checklists to retrieve information on company documents or who has read them. SOPTracker creates reports on assignments, employee compliance, quiz results, employee groups, document collections, document history, and configuration history with just a click of a mouse.
SOPTracker provides the ability to group employees based on similar job functions or projects. Employee grouping allows administrators to assign relevant SOPs and company documentation to groups of employees. Employees can be assigned to multiple groups at the same time.
File Security and Encryption
IMS provides FIPS 140-2 validated solutions for encrypting all data at rest in the IMS computer center. In addition, all uploaded SOPs are further protected by AES 256 encryption with a unique key for each SOPTracker account. The all flash block tier is encrypted via software as part of the Pure Storage Purity operating system and the network attached tier is encrypted via software by the NetApp CryptoMod product.
All data in transmission is encrypted using industry standard TLS 1.2 technologies.
Secure Database
SOPTracker will keep your information and documentation in a secure environment. This level of protection ensures that version changes, document assignments, and compliance records are always safe and retrievable.
Meets FDA guidelines (CFR 21 Part 11) for Software Development
SOPTracker ensures that your electronic records meet government regulatory standards of reliability and trustworthiness. IMS uses a variation of the waterfall software development life cycle (SDLC) model. The SOPTracker Software validation documentation, including Functional Requirements Specification (FRS), System Design Specification (SDS), and test scripts, are available for review.
Focused Set of Functionality
SOPTracker has a focused set of functionality that provides a web-based, intuitive system that keeps track of internal documentation and employee compliance at a much lower cost than a complete Document Management System. If your company is in need of tracking employee compliance in an affordable, configurable, and cloud hosted environment, then SOPTracker is exactly what you are looking for.
SSO Login Service
SOPTracker supports Single Sign On (SSO). We use SAML2 to connect to ADFS, Azure, and many other Identity Providers (IdPs).